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Jeremiah 29:11 project

non -profit agencies meeting needs through product philanthropy. 

Feel free to call the Manna Harvest business office to speak to a person about any questions you have about the Jeremiah 29:11 project.  We will be happy to help you.  Are you ready to sign up?  Great!  Download and print the forms above and either drop them off to the business office, or drop them in the mail.  

Jeremiah 29:11 is happy to currently partner with the following community agencies:


Bridge to Hope Ministries, Higginsville

Compassionate Care Ministries, Higginsville

First Baptist Church, Kearney

First Baptist Church, Warrensburg

Grover Park Baptist Church, Warrensburg

Johnson County Board of Services, Warrensburg

Journey Home, Warrensburg

Project Community Connect, Warrensburg

Recovery Lighthouse, Warrensburg

Salvation Army, Warrensburg

Standing in the Gap Ministries, Warrensburg

Warrensburg RVI School District

WILS, Warrensburg

Veterans' Assistance League, Warrensburg


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